Quote of the Moment

I like to feature a different quote on the sidebar for personal inspiration that I will change every once in a while. Usually the quotes have to do with perfection, imperfection, accepting life, and lofty ideas like that. Listed below are the past quotes of moment for your reading pleasure.

“We are all wonderful, beautiful wrecks. That's what connects us--that we're all broken, all beautifully imperfect.” - Emilio Estevez

“Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it.” - Salvador Dali

“I've learned recently to love imperfection a lot because it shines such a big light on God's grace. And if someone has grace for you that's when you feel their love the most and they see you for who you are and they love you anyway.” ― Lacey Mosley of Flyleaf

"Don't be so obsessed! C'mon, give it a rest! This is not some contest. Just do your best 'cause nobody's perfect!" - Shania Twain

"The only thing that can separate any one of us from excellence is fear, and the opposite of fear is faith. I am careful not to confuse excellence with perfection. Excellence I can reach for; perfection is God's business." - Michael J. Fox 

"Being happy doesn't mean everything is perfect; it means you've decided to look past the imperfections" - Unknown 

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