Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Daily Imperfection: Out of Whack Back

Gooood morning, internet!

Today is one of those days I just woke up with cheer in my heart. Right now, I am so in love with the holiday season. Last night I was driving at night and saw so many Christmas lights - I just love it! I think maybe being an adult and realizing that time passes so much faster than it ever seemed to has made me appreciate simple things more. I also think that this whole year has transformed me into having a more thankful and appreciative heart for the small things in life. That said, Christmas music is playing nonstop in my house because it makes me so happy. My husband thinks I'm nuts, but I love Christmas music! It's just happy, cheery, and you can only listen to it once a year - so why not have it on 24/7, right? :)

Anyway, I started my morning with a big cup of joe in my favorite Starbucks cup. This is the "Good Morning" mug as it says that saying all over it in different languages. Whenever I use this cup, I think It's going to be a good day. I mean, how can this cup not bring a smile to your face? Maybe I appreciate the small things too much... I wanted to get ramped up and do my Insanity workout for the day, but my back is killing me! I honestly have no idea what I did to mess up my back, but I've never had back pain like this before. I can definitely tell which muscle in my back it is, but it's one that's close to my spine, so literally any movement I make, I can feel the pain. Last night, I put a heating pad on it and will probably do that again later today as it seemed to help.

Any time I have an injury or am not feeling well, it really throws a wrench in my perfect plans to workout (and do every day of Insanity if can). While I know that rest is key to being healthy - and rest I will - it still frustrates me that I want to workout but can't. I'm used to working out at least 5-6 times a week, so it just doesn't feel right to have an off day when it's not my planned recovery day. Clearly, I would be driven mad if I ever had a true injury that needed weeks of recovery! Either way, I've just got to realize that my body is trying to tell me something with this pain - and I don't think it's telling me to workout. Hopefully I feel well enough to do something light by tomorrow.

For breakfast, I some interesting fare. I'm in dire need of a shopping trip, but I was trying to hold out until the end of the week, so I literally have nothing - out of milk and bread! Out of leftovers and creativity, I made a peanutbutter banana roll up in a tortilla, sprinkled with cinnamon and honey inside too. It was actually a really yummy way to eat a banana!

Have a great Wednesday!

Do you get frustrated when you can't workout or do you not care? Have you ever worked out when you shouldn't have (too sick or injured)? 


  1. Vary creative breakfast! I felt like I was playing my own version of the hunger games leading up to thanksgiving because I refused to buy anything that wouldn't last the five days I was home. which meant I didn't want to go to the store and be tempted. which meant I ate a lot of rice. :)

  2. @Abbey I did the same thing during Thanksgiving to compensate for all the leftovers we got from some friends. It's interesting to eat when you have food but not actual meals!


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